The Executive Committee of AACUSS is comprised of the Executive Officers and Divisional Representatives as outlined in the Association's Constitution & By-Laws. |
PRESIDENT Holly MacDonald Cape Breton University PAST PRESIDENT Justin Stoodley New Brunswick Community College PRESIDENT ELECT Tom Brophy Saint Mary's University SECRETARY Tanya Jones University of New Brunswick TREASURER TBA COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER Becca Chaytor EDI REVIEWER Saa Andrew Gbongbor St. Thomas University BLACK AND AFRICAN CANADIAN STUDENT AFFAIRS PROFESSIONALS Deanna Mohamed & Barbara Roberts Nova Scotia Community College | ACADEMIC SUPPORT AND ADVISINGAmy McEvoy Saint Mary's University ACCESSIBILITYRebecca Ward University of New Brunswick CAREER AND EMPLOYMENTErin Feicht St. Thomas University COUNSELLINGTBA FINANCIAL AID & AWARDSShelley Clayton GENERALISTEllie Hummel Mount Allison University | HEALTH SERVICESTerry-Lynne King HOUSINGTBA INDIGENOUS SUPPORT SERVICESBrenda Goodine & Jennie Tomah New Brunswick Community College INTERNATIONAL STUDENTSAse (Osa) Berg & Richelle Greathouse University of New Brunswick &University of Prince Edward Island SENIOR STUDENT AFFAIRS OFFICERSKeltie Jones Mount Saint Vincent University 50TH ANNIVERSARY Co-ChairsEmily Dayboll & Heather Doyle New Brunswick Community College & Dalhousie University |
Atlantic Association of College & University Student Services | AACUSS |